Fidget digit

Оригинал: 1270×1169, 267,2 КБ

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Sliding Puzzles Turned Into a Board Game!!

Game consists of 4 15-slide puzzles attached to the box bottom. In the top of the box there is a wheel with different solutions. When the top is placed under the bottom, the different configurations show through slots, and the players compete to make their slide puzzles match the examples. The first player to finish calls "Fidget Digit!" Each win counts 5 points.

"An exciting fun-packed game, for all age groups, with no loose parts to lose. May be played anywhere...even in a moving car, train, plane or bus."

"The object of the game is to duplicate on the sliding squares the example shown in the window alongside. To start the game, turn the dial one stop clockwise. The first player to finish calls "Fidget Digit!" From box.

size: 4*4

№: 249

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